terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2015

The Walking Teacher

The Walking Teacher

I was on the door of CNA, still in time for my weekly class, and there wasn´t anyone in the secretery, what was making me nervous.
When I opened the door, about 10 people start running, and then, Karen stopped me and said:
"Laura, run for you life! Teacher Taísa became a zombie and then she ate Andrew! We need to run away!"
And I said:
"Karen, we need to save Flávia and Gizele!"
Then we came in CNA, to help Flávia and Gizele.
When we came in our classrom, we saw Flávia and Gizele frightened, trying to  scape from Teacher.
I said to Karen that I was going to distract Teacher Taísa, and then Karen would save them.
I toke a chair and I hit her on her head. The chair broke and I only had apiece very sharp.
Karen was trying to save the girls.
Taísa tryied to attack me and then I thought fas and I cut her head.
She died!
After all that, we were explainig the wole story do Flávia and Gizele, then we heard a noise.
It was Andrew!
Aparently, Taísa did not ate Andrew, she jast bitted him, and he became o zombie.
I was VERY tired, and then, I just ran away with Karen, Flávia and Gizele.
It was a very scary and crazy morning!

Um comentário:

  1. Hahahahahhahahahha! What a great scary story, Laura! Glad that you've saved the day. :D
