It was such a better world when I ruled it.
I used to rule the world, and in my opinion, it was so better when I was in the charge.
There was not many financial crises, no poluition, no prejudice, and all this problems the world is having nowadays.
I was like, a QUEEN!
I fed all the people, I gave a ceiling to all. I gave health to all.
The black people were as respected as white people, and there was no slavery.
Gay people were as respected as the straights.
The weather were so nice, with no smoke smell, no acid rain (because of the rivers and lekes wasn't polluted), and the people didn't use drugs to "have fun"!
I think that I would like to rule the world again, but if I come back, I'll saty forever, and do all the right things!
Now, that's a world I really would like to live in. ;)